
Experience with ProRide Motorcycle school in Vancouver

Or how to make a motorcycle licence in 8 days...

After I did my knowledge test at ICBC, I got a learner's license, what is a needed basis to go ahead to make the road test.

It means, that in general you can make a road test directly, whithout taking a riding school.

But I am glad I did join ProRide to get all skills. I really appreciate the delivered expirience with motorcycles. I got so much theoretical and practical aspects by the course, it would be hard to gather all this informations by my own.

The course started with a two evenings theoretical part, followed by an amazing weekend full of exiting praxis at the large parking lot. I don't know how big the available space for practice of other companies is (currently there are only two more near Vancouver), but with ProRide, you have enough space to do all "tricks" you need without collision with other riders, what means also space to practice you own gaps in skills, if needed.

The teachers are extremely competent and very friendly, as well as patient. What helps to survive the quite exhausting course. It sounds pretty simple to do a license in eight days, but it is not! It is hard work, especially the final road test gives you a kick of stress.

My biggest surprise was how the teachers remembered the name of nearly any pupil immediately. And when doing you training, they know exactly who you are (even if you have your helmet on your head) and so they register what your lack of skills are and help to get that gap closed.

The most fun you can get on the last two days with a ride on the street. With a group of six persons we went to different streets between Deep Cove and Horseshoe Bay. Here you can learn things, that can not be done at a parking lot. But as you ride allways in a group, things like changing the position within a lane (P1-P3), can not be practiced.

Finnaly ProRide makes a simulated road test with you, which was really necessary for me to see what ICBC is looking for. And for the road test, they will also give you a bike again, what is good if you can't provide your own.

In total I want to recommend ProRide to all who want to make a motorcycle license! And to all people riding without a license I have to presume that they can not know enough about riding as it is necessary to be a safe rider without taking such a professional course (Or do you know what your best position in a lane is? - I didn't know that)

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